
The Port of Progreso

The Port of Progreso is a major international port for both importing and exporting goods from the Yucatan, and we got to take a tour of it during our first week there.  All of the companies we've visited ship their products out from that port.  You may recognize the name Progreso from a cruise you've taken as many cruise ships now dock in Progreso.  Its proximity to Merida makes it a perfect stop.  Buses go in and out of Progreso all day long.  It's less than a half hour drive from our house in the city, so going there is an easy choice on hot afternoons.

It's not the best picture I've ever taken, but there's a photo of the port from Flamingos, the restaurant in which we ate lunch that day.  We have some video from our tour that I'll be attaching soon so you can catch a glimpse of the view.

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